
D-13 Newsletter

District 13 has its own called District 13 Newsletter. At the beginning of each biennium, governor will publish the dates for publishing the newsletters and the deadlines for forwarding articles to the newsletters.

You might subscribe to the D-13 Newsletter or you can read them here: Governor’s newsletters. The areas’ newsletters can be read here but for individual club newsletters, please go to the individual clubs’ websites.

D-13 Newsletter July 2016 (the last 2014-16 newsletter)

This is the last 2014-16 biennium newsletter; please, receive my gratitude for the results you have achieved in the 2014-16 biennium.

Last D 13 newsletter 2014- 2016 (Eng) Last D 13 newsletter 2014-16 (dansk)

It has been a pleasure to serve D 13 as governor; I wish District 13 good luck and tailwind during the biennium 2016-18. Warm regards  Eva Nielsen

D-13 Newsletter 2, 2016

D-13 Newsletter 1 2016

Subscribe here: (link will come, when the newsletter-editor is ready)

The District Committees are welcome to publish newsletters.


7. maj 2024

10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen 2025

SAVE THE DATE    2 – 4 May 2025 10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen STANDING UP FOR DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION

Read more 24. august 2023

District 13 Conference 2023

Women Leadership for Sustainable Future On August 31 – September 2, the District Meeting of the Zonta International District 13 will be held in Hof, Akureyri, Iceland. The theme of […]

Read more 28. juni 2023

Call to Conference 2023 – Akureyri, Iceland

The Call to Conference is posted here on the site and sent by e-mail in accordance with District 13 Bylaws, Article 16, and Zonta International Regulations, District Conference Rules, District […]

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7. maj 2024

10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen 2025

SAVE THE DATE    2 – 4 May 2025 10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen STANDING UP FOR DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION

Read more 24. august 2023

District 13 Conference 2023

Women Leadership for Sustainable Future On August 31 – September 2, the District Meeting of the Zonta International District 13 will be held in Hof, Akureyri, Iceland. The theme of […]

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