

Zonta International (ZI) was founded in USA in 1919. It is a global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

The Objects of Zonta International are

  • To improve the legal, political, educational, health and professional status of women at the global and local level through service and advocacy
  • To work for the advancement and understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of members
  • To promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • To be united to foster ethical standards, to implement service programs, and to provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their communities, their nations and the world.




1.    1935-1962

Zonta International was founded in Buffalo, USA, 1919. In Denmark Zontaclub Copenhagen was chartered May 1935, followed by Zontaclub Stockholm also in May 1935, Zontaclub Gothenburg in 1939 and Zontaclub Reykjavik in 1941. After the end of World War 2 in 1947, Zontaclub Helsinki and Zontaclub Oslo were established and more clubs followed. The Nordic Zontaclubs visited each other as well as Zontaclubs in other regions of Europe.

2.    1962-1986

In 1962, the Zonta International Board decided to create two districts in Europe

  • District XIII comprising the Nordic clubs
  • District XIV comprising the other European clubs.


3.    1986 –  The number of Zontaclubs continued to grow and in 1986, the Zonta International Board decided to split District XIII into:

  • District 13 comprising the clubs in Denmark, Iceland and Norway; in 1994, Lithuania became a Zonta country linked to District 13 Area 01 Denmark, in 2005 Lithuania became Area 02
  • District 20 comprising the clubs in Finland; 1991, Estonia became a Zonta country linked to District 20
  • District 21 comprising the clubs in Sweden. 1993, Latvia became a Zonta country linked to District 21


Read more about the history of District 13 here:

Read more about the history of the areas and the clubs – choose the area you want to see in the menu bar.


7. maj 2024

10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen 2025

SAVE THE DATE    2 – 4 May 2025 10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen STANDING UP FOR DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION

Read more 24. august 2023

District 13 Conference 2023

Women Leadership for Sustainable Future On August 31 – September 2, the District Meeting of the Zonta International District 13 will be held in Hof, Akureyri, Iceland. The theme of […]

Read more 28. juni 2023

Call to Conference 2023 – Akureyri, Iceland

The Call to Conference is posted here on the site and sent by e-mail in accordance with District 13 Bylaws, Article 16, and Zonta International Regulations, District Conference Rules, District […]

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7. maj 2024

10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen 2025

SAVE THE DATE    2 – 4 May 2025 10th European Interdistrict Seminar Copenhagen STANDING UP FOR DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION

Read more 24. august 2023

District 13 Conference 2023

Women Leadership for Sustainable Future On August 31 – September 2, the District Meeting of the Zonta International District 13 will be held in Hof, Akureyri, Iceland. The theme of […]

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